- Dit evenement is voorbij.
28 februari @ 20:00 - 22:00

Moeder Aarde Hills, Delft | February 28th
After our transformative Solstice and Imbolc dances, our passionate community continues to grow. With that same wild energy, we invite you to embrace the darkness of winter with another night dance in nature.
This time, we dance with the wolves, tuning into the raw essence of nature, moving with the elements of water, wind, earth, wood, and fire. We awaken our primal instincts and connect to the pure, untamed being within, just like the wolves.
Under the power of the New Moon, we tap into deep yin energy, allowing it to guide and shape our movement. As always, we bring our awareness to what moves within us, surrender it to the dance, and transform it into an embodied prayer for all living beings. Come, dance, and let the wildness within you awaken.
If you have a drum, please take it.
Everything happens in nature, so we embrace the challenge once again and dance within it. Each time is a special moment, a feeling deeply connected and surrendering fully to the present. Sometimes we dance in the rain, under the moon and a clear sky, in the cold, or in unexpected warmth. Whatever the elements bring, the primal force awakens within your dance.
With our HQ Silent Disco Headphones, you don’t need to bring anything, just immerse yourself in your own intimate dance journey and experience.
We meet before 20:00 at the parking area at the entrance of Abstwoudse Bos and walk together to our sacred spot, “Mother Earth.”
- We begin by tuning into the sounds of nature and the drum, allowing them to guide our movements.
- Slowly, we transition into our dance journey, moving freely with your own Silent Disco headphones to a magical Ecstatic Dance Mix by Eva.
- We close the evening with a ceremonial circle around 22:15.
Join us in dancing with the elements. Rain or shine, nature welcomes us all.
Normal price – €18,00
Students + Low budget – €14,00
Support the creator – € 22,00
Buy here your ticket on time
When you have questions, call Eva: 06 23883406
Our websites:
Datum: 28 februari 20.00 – 22.00 uur
Locatie: Moeder Aarde, Abtswoudse bos, Delft
Adress for meeting at the parking: Tanthofdreeft 10, Delft, next to Kynologen club.
Link for map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/W5vrZC3NVdghBzMX9
Next Dancing in Nature will happen on Saturday 21st March – Spring Equinox