Dance is the language of God, the rest is a poor translation

Wie zijn wij?


Het begon allemaal in 1992, toen ik werd geraakt door het werk van Gabriëlle Roth (De 5 Ritmes). Mijn hart ging open en ik was direct verliefd op de dans en dit maakte mij nog nieuwsgieriger. Deze conscious dance stond toen nog in de kinderschoenen en er waren nog maar weinig docenten in deze dansvorm, dus het was wel even zoeken. Ik herinner me nog heel goed de allereerste groep die ik deed bij Ya’Acov Darling Khan, een mannen 5 daagse in Zuid West Engeland, wat mijn gevoel versterkte dat dit het pad was dat ik wilde dansen.

Zeven jaar later, in 1998 deed ik mee met de eerste training die werd aangeboden door Gabriëlle Roth, de grondlegger van De Vijf Ritmes. Dit was de basistraining genaamd ‘Waves’. In 2004 heb ik de vervolgopleiding ‘Heartbeat’ gevolgd, wat meer met het emotionele lichaam werkt. Na deze training ben ik les gaan geven, wat een nieuwe en verdiepende impuls gaf op deze weg. Tot op de dag van vandaag geniet ik van het lesgeven en voel ik elke keer weer de passie om met mensen aan de slag te zijn en via het spel van de dans door te dringen in het onderbewuste van de dansers.

Later heb ik de training gedaan bij Open Floor Movement en heb ik mij verdiept in Ecstatic Dance. Ik voel dat ik dit alleen maar kan doen, omdat ik zelf veel heb geleefd en doorleefd. De dalen die ik heb bezocht waren diep en donker, maar vanuit die ervaring kan ik het licht en het leven heel erg waarderen. Altijd ervaar ik een duidelijk ”JA’ in en naar het leven. Alles wat ik doorgeef krijg ik door en stroomt door mij heen. De kwaliteit in mijn lessen is dat wat ik doorgeef via mijn hart stroomt en onderweg mijn wijsheid en eigen ervaringen meeneemt, die liggen opgeslagen in elke cel van mijn lichaam.

“Saryo is een ontzettend meelevende docent en begeleider van de dans. Hij weet je mee te nemen op diepe reizen. Zijn muziek keuze is heel gevariëerd, speels en trilt door in de diepere lagen van je lijf. Hij voelt je aan als individu en als collectief geheel. Hij biedt ruimte om je eigen dans te vinden en te dansen en zal door subtiele suggesties je dans ondersteunen en dieper laten gaan. Zijn spel met de muziek, de danser, de dans en de energie in de ruimte is fenomenaal”. Een collega


 I am an eclectic person. If I want to describe myself it looks like the story of four people. And yet, it´s me, trying to create, learn, and share the best from the disciplines like Conscious dance, Martial arts, and Theater. It is all meeting in my Dance/Ritual method called ‘Step out of the Story’ and only with all these components, I am a whole human being.

Drama Theater

Back in Prague, I was director, dramaturgy, translator, and regiseur in Theater without the Roof, in Theater in Strašnické Divadlo and Divadlo Komedie. It was mostly Drama theatre. I directed performances such as The Merry Wives of Windsor and variations on commedia dell’arte, Harlequin’s Pranks. Gothic novel The Golem by Gustav Meyrink. Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, dramatizations of the novels The Bee Valley and Sand Scythe by Vladimír Körner

The National Theatre showed my production of the original contemporary music work The Gray Mouse Opera by Petr Komár Soudek as a part of the cycle Banging at the Iron Curtain. In 2003 I founded a Divadlo Company. CZ. A year later, the company took over the venue of Strašnické Theatre. I was both managing and artistic director of the venue and the company since 2005.

I used to work with international artists from Argentina, Russia, Hungary, and with Slovak and Polish theatres. Together with my Company, I made a bid for running one of the most prestigious venues in Prague – Theatre Komedie and was awarded the venue in winter 2011. The company already started working there from August 2012 with a program concentrating on Slavonic dramaturgy, especially on Polish plays, writers and directors.

I also translate both plays and poetry from Polish language into Czech, last translations are Our class from Tadeusz Słobodzianek, Pornography from Witold Gombrowicz, and Screenplay for three incredible but existing actors from Bogusław Schaeffer, all already performed in Theatre Komedie and other theaters.

Between August 2012 and August 2014 I was director, stage director, and dramaturgy of Theatre Komedie in Prague. At the same time, I felt a shift in my work towards the physical and dance theatre. As a long-term practitioner of body-work, martial arts, different dance techniques, and embodiment, I created another group of dancers and actors called Studio – NonComfortable Zone. It was my last project in Prague. The goal of this one-year-long experiment was to find and embody the roots of ritual for the theatre. The point was to bring a synthesis between body, emotions, and mental models of the creators in numbers of techniques rooted in modern psychology or ancient traditions. The performance title was Step out of the Story andwas acting in several theatres in the Czech republic.

Martial arts

I practice Chinese Martial arts from my 13. My teacher is my soulmate Yury Belov, the founder and director of Soaring Eagle School in Voronezh in Russia. I practiced all basic styles like Chan Chuan and Nan Chuan, animal styles like an eagle, tiger, weapons like a long stick, saber, sword, deer horns, meteorite, spear,  and inner styles like Taichi, Bagua, and Hsing Y with Yurij. The basics of our school are techniques called Trigrams. There are movements which are containing all the directions and can combine all defends and all attacks. You learn to understand their principles. After you can use it in any situation in your life.  

Dance Ritual Theater

In summer 2014, I moved to live to Holland with my love, Saryo. Here I am developing the Step out of the Story theater Dance method, while creating performances, Dancing in them (Delftse Maakweken – Calling of elements, Mooi Weer Spelen, Home Impro Performances in Centrum Djoj Rotterdam, Wajid and Vleugels in Den Haag, Lijm en Cultuur in Delft), and giving Consious Dance an Movement workshops.

During my last year in Prague, I felt a shift in my work towards ritual physical and dance theatre. Back to the roots. As a long-term practitioner of body-work, martial arts, different dance techniques, and embodiment, I created another group of dancers and actors called Studio – Non Comfortable Zone. It was my last project in Prague. The goal of this one-year-long experiment was to find and embody the roots of ritual for the theatre. The point was to bring a synthesis between body, emotions, and mental models of the creators through numbers of techniques rooted in modern psychology or ancient traditions. The performance title was Step out of the Story and was acting in several theatres in the Czech Republic.

 I work with professionals and amateurs. With professionals, I created and danced these performances: Warrior of the DanceKairos (Improvisation Ritual theatre) we are dancing during the Festivals, Home Performances on requests, the Openings of exhibitions, or other different occasions. As a director, I work with mixed amateurs and professional groups. Phoenix from the FireStardust, Flamingo Spirit, I am Paradise, Magical Dragon, and Water-Dragon. My last premiere was a Story of the Myth of Demeter and Persephone

I am building a self-sustainable theater group and giving the first year of ´Training for Life´ in ´Dragon Institut´.